All About Me
Memory Book
First World Problem Meme

History Of The Eiffel Tower
Emoji Writing
Today: Mrs.LaRue
Today our subject is Mrs.LaRue. Mrs.LaRue is the owner of the crazy dog Ike. Ike recently broke out of Igor Brotwhiler Canine Academy. “Could you give us details on the letters that you got from your dog?” “Why yes of course. He said it was like a prison. I felt just a tad bit sad when I made a chicken pie and all of the pie was there when I got back from getting the mail. Another letter I received was his plan to escape. I was terribly sad and shocked when I got that letter!! Ike just was a little misunderstood that’s all,” says Ike’s owner Mrs.LaRue. “What about when he saved you from that bus? Were you scared or happy or how did you feel,” asks a news reporter. ” Well, I was very happy that I was saved by Ike I could not live with out him!!!!” A news reporter thanks Mrs.LaRue very much for taking time out of her day to come and talk to her. She walks Mrs.LaRue to the door where a happy Ike sits waiting. “Don’t forget to look both ways Mrs.LaRue!” “Oh, well thank you so very much, have a great day!!”
Diesel Engine
Supergirl .vs. Joker
There is a girl with dirty blonde hair, light blue eyes, and a secret “life”. Her name is Kara. Kara has a huge secret… she is Supergirl! She has to fly. Joker is terrorizing a school in Dallas. When Supergirl got to the school Joker had spray painted most of the school!! Supergirl had gone inside the school to find Joker’s laughing gas working on fifth graders! The teachers had opened the windows only to find Joker’s fun blaster ready to blow!!! Supergirl got to the Joker just in time. It was a long way back to Austin, but Kara was up to it. Kara got Joker put in jail, then Kara got a call from her cousin, Superman that him and Batman were going to hang out. Kara knew that she had to talk to her, cousin before it was to late. If Superman, and Batman, hung out it would get ugly!!!! Kara listened to the rest of the call, and it said that they would hang out tomorrow! Phew, Kara felt terrible! She decided to get some sleep and not wake up for hours!!!
Dear journal,
being a pioneer is very hard. We are having to travel down the Oregon Trail. It is a very long journey. We are traveling by wagon train. When we get to our new land I am hoping we won’t have to be again. The land we are settling on is homestead land. Lots of people sometimes wear bandanas if it is hot or there are lots if bugs around. When we get to our new land I hope we do not have to move again. We are moving to homestead land. Life is hard and we have unexpected indian attacks all of the time. I do not get to watch the men while they shoot but I hope we have a gunslinger. Our captain tells us when to eat, rest, and stop for the night. We are using 2 other trails to get to our land. It’s very tiring, and I hope we get there soon.